Myxamatoid cummulo nimbus: a spiral of labyrinthian distractions.

23 03 2010

Literature students lounge in the grass, counting the clouds, staring hard enough to spot faces. Winston Churchill, or Homer Simpson. (The particularly erudite will be able to pick out the Homer Simpson from Nathanael West’s ‘The Day of the Locust’ rather than the more familiar yellowman). Or we could go the other way, the Hemingway: perpetual travel for perpetual strife.

What you’re more likely to see in the clouds are replicas people clutching their Blackberrys like Bibles, or feeding their caffeine addictions. The long, dark winter is starting to lift. Daisies have been spotted in Scotland. Some literature students might even get around to reading a book one day, if they recognise what one looks like. Maybe they’ll seen one in the shape of a cloud.

(NB: This is the first post in a while, for which – the obligatory apologies).